Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2 Listening to the National news on NPR as I tore myself awake from my drowsy, blanketed nest, I grudgingly admit to actually noticing that there is an extremely powerful election campaign going on. Not "my" election, but a surging volley between seemingly tireless men tossing epithets, innuendoes and direct attacks like the Australian Open. The game will change soon and the relentless assaults will aim in my political direction. My hope is that they can keep on with this infighting long and heavy, deep into the election year, so I can pretend I live in Ireland or Britain where the election "season" is short and to the point. Just get it over and get on with the work.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The shortest January

The shortest January Time is so mischievous. It is nearly January 31 and I clearly didn't see it turning so quickly on its axis. Albeit, I spent over 15 days of the month in Western time zones, living the lifestyles of my children and their children, exponentially much more faster paced than I have become accustomed to. Will be curious how February unravels,with Leap Year in the mix and what purports to be a period of some length with no planned travel... Hmmm. Will see. My To Do list is growing long which may, in fact, shorten February as well... 1. 2.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Well, now I am 65! Still alive. Still me. Still souped up on the newest trend I can find, which is NOT the newest "it" trend... But fun for a geezer geek like me.

It's my iPad/iPod love affair, with a piquant touch of Facebook, Twitter, Bloggosphere and TiVo. I can't help it that 75% of my peers are ...intimidated...hateful..scared of..worried about.. Or oblivious to teck! I for one...Love my geeky tecky plugged in gadgets!

I also am deeply addicted to other stuff:

Ok. Yessss my darling Jeff
My grand kids
My sewing
Jogging- yes, now with my iPod Nano qued up with all sorts of nifty playlists
And yes... GRR Martin's series of books- on my Kindle/iPad of course
Oh...Downton Abbey. This I prefer to watch at the actual broadcast time for Masterpiece. 9 pm Sunday nights. How many Sundays has this been going on?
Did I mention Merlot?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Numero UNO

Here is my first post on my first blog!
An amazingly convoluted Spring and Summer for this gal. I will need to update you all on my volcano experience, my pre-teen grandson shared joys (and not so joys), my travels to Ireland at last and reconnection with my own Anam Cara, Jeff. Then the pre-wedding travel across America, visiting with sons and their families. The two weeks before Jess and Lili's wedding, then the actual wedding itself. Our trip back to Michigan through the Great American West and my thoughts on leaving the mountains yet again. SOB! But home in Allegan has its value and joy too. So, more on all that for any of you, and me who are semi interested!
Being one of the first of the Baby Boomers, I think I might have a slight bit of insight to share with the world about whats up with all that. Who knows, eh? But the big news is that in less than 6 months, I WILL be 64 and that is an intense and screechingly real number. Who KNEW!